Thursday, August 10, 2006

Whole box of SW tricks

The Generator Blog
This has so many cool resources for generating stuff with software it's ridiculous

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


The Meatrix

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Escaping the Matrix

Fed up? Well here's how we the people can change the world

Friday, July 28, 2006

Find names, addresses and phone numbers
Great UK site allowing you to find people for FREE
"Free People Finder & Free Business Finder. Use Our Business Finder & People Finder for free. Try our Free Postcode Finder & Address Locator for free the Postcode finder works by using the Royal Mail PAF file. Get Free Directory Enquiries and Free Electoral Roll searches. Search over 13 million residential Directory Enquiries and 37 million Electoral Roll listings for free. The people finder service scours the electoral roll database, directory enquiries database, postcode finder database, people finder database and business finder database."

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Utterly HUGE airsoft event

YouTube - airsoft

This has to be the coolest Airsoft event I have ever seen. If you like airsoft or paintball check this out.

FYI UK large airsoft event organiser
Urban Assault - The ultimate Airsoft experience

Monday, July 17, 2006

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ithaca - New York HOUR system of exchange

Transaction Net: 'The Internet & the Future of Money'

Paul Glover, who created the Ithaca, New York, HOUR system, describes it this way: '...the Ithaca HOUR is Ithaca's $10.00 bill, because ten dollars per hour is the average of wages/salaries in Tompkins County. These HOUR notes, in four denominations, buy plumbing, carpentry, electrical work, roofing, nursing, chiropractic, child care, car and bike repair, food, eyeglasses, firewood, gifts, and thousands of other goods and services. Our credit union accepts them for mortgage and loan fees. People pay rent with HOURS. The best restaurants in town take them, as do movie theaters, bowling alleys, two large locally-owned grocery stores, and thirty farmer's market vendors.'

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Remember who you are and what you came here to do

Telepathy Seminar

What is my purpose in doing this? As I said before: I have an interest in making sure that people on this planet and the planet itself survive. And that is my only interest in it really. I'm just interested that there is a new type of civilization on this planet which can survive, feed all the people here, freely exchange ideas, freely go into communication with each other, freely exchange products and services, have a stable currency, things like that, that are - shall we say - the basics of a civilization.

Alternative Tech *****

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Resource for Wisdom

Pearls Of Wisdom : Inspirational Wisdom Quotes and Sayings for Personal and Spiritual Growth.

Quite simply an excellent way to get and give stuff for FREE. Sign up to the local yahoo groups in your area and start FREE CYCLING!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sacred Temples and their purpose

Flower of Life - The Golden Mean Spiral and The Merkaba - Article by Ronald L. Holt -

Simply put, the people, the land, and the temples are revitalized and reharmonized by the presence of Great Spirit through the simple act of praying together in a united fashion at sacred intervals just before spirit begins to wane in the land, the ethers, and inside of themselves.

Golden Mean & Ancient Temples

Flower of Life - The Golden Mean Spiral and The Merkaba - Article by Ronald L. Holt -

Earth's Chakras

Royal Priest Research - Featuring the Work of Lyssa Royal

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Friday, May 12, 2006

Myth of the American Dream

The Meritocracy Myth

"According to the ideology of the American Dream, America is the land of limitless opportunity in which individuals can go as far as their own merit takes them. According to this ideology, you get out of the system what you put into it. Getting ahead is ostensibly based on individual merit, which is generally viewed as a combination of factors including innate abilities, working hard, having the right attitude, and having high moral character and integrity. Americans not only tend to think that is how the system should work, but most Americans also think that is how the system does work (Huber and Form 1973, Kluegel and Smith 1986, Ladd 1994).

In our book The Meritocracy Myth (Rowman & Littlefield, 2004), we challenge the validity of these commonly held assertions, by arguing that there is a gap between how people think the system works and how the system actually does work. We refer to this gap as “the meritocracy myth,” or the myth that the system distributes resources—especially wealth and income—according to the merit of individuals."

Books Self Publishing - Self Publishing - Free

Internet Archive
This is a well cool archive of the internet as was in the past. Lost a favorite page? Check here :-)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

This is funny and cool at the same time. You will end up agreeing and remembering why the interent rocks!!

Thomas More - extract from Utopia which hits home

"Though to speak plainly my real sentiments, I must freely own
that as long as there is any property, and while money is the
standard of all other things, I cannot think that a nation can be
governed either justly or happily: not justly, because the best
things will fall to the share of the worst men; nor happily,
because all things will be divided among a few (and even these are
not in all respects happy), the rest being left to be absolutely

Heavy eh? This is what we got right now so why notm instead try a local exchange trading scheme (LETs):

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I think a cool description of shaman's

distinguishes a payƩ
[shaman] from others is that he is an
intellectual...He is a humanist, in the sense that he is interested in the
'pagan' antiquities of his own cultural tradition: in myths of origin, in
archaeological sites, in long forgotten place names, and in stories of
legendary migrations

Friday, May 05, 2006

Get OpenOffice forget MS Office

Take a Test Drive - Keep the Car!

Microsoft offers you a "test drive" so that you can see what Microsoft Office 2007 might look like when it finally goes on sale.

The Community invites you to go one better - download a fully-functional, legal copy of the 2 office suite today for a test drive. If you like it, use it free for as long as you like. We say it's the ultimate no-strings-attached test drive - if you enjoy the test drive, keep the car!
  • Like Microsoft Office, 2 is a complete office suite, with a word processor, spreadsheet, presentations, drawing, and database.
  • Like Microsoft Office, 2 will happily use all your existing office files in MS-Word, MS-Excel, and MS-Powerpoint format
  • Unlike Microsoft Office, 2 is free of charge to use for any purpose: domestic, educational, government, commercial
  • Unlike Microsoft Office, you don't have to worry that you may be taken to court to prove you have a valid licence
  • Unlike Microsoft Office, 2 includes valuable extra features, such as the ability to create pdf files
  • Unlike changing to Microsoft Office 2007, changing to 2 does not require you to learn how to use your software all over again. Indeed, reports have shown migration to 2 is 90% cheaper than migrating to Microsoft Office 2007.

My Local Weather